April 28, 2020: north fenceline neighbors

April 26, 2020: Gerry my neighbor over the creek

March 15, 2020 : a neighbor

March 29, 2020 - an artist for Gallery Lulo

July 15, 2020 - Aunt Jessie

March 16, 2020 : my aunt Margo

April 15, 2020: artist Jake Messing for Gallery Lulo

March 21, 2020 - an artist for Gallery Lulo

July 7, 2020 - an artist for Gallery Lulo

March 22, 2020 : a co-worker

March 30, 2020 - artist Eric Wolske for Gallery Lulo

March 25, 2020: my munchkins

May 12, 2020 - an artist for Gallery Lulo

RAINBOWS AND DARK CLOUDS: I will be posting drawings from our Shelter in Place order here. These are drawn from photographs that I take of people whom I run into at Warnecke Ranch. I maintain a safe distance from them, especially with my kids, who are prime vector suspects. Some are photos that I’ve asked friends to take of themselves and to send to me to draw. Making these drawings late at night helps me recharge. During the day Eliot and I are all about the kids, and taking turns giving each other space and silence to try and work, he for architecture and I for the ranch and our wine business Sutro Wine Co. It is a mind boggling situation that challenges my capacity to perform an adult trick that I’ve always cherished, and that I think I learned in motherhood: the ability to hold open two sentiments at once. Love and hate, repulsion and attraction, fear and confidence, pride and humility. Now we are all asked to flex that capacity to the brink of snapping, all at once, all over the world, to be simultaneously brave and afraid, stable and unmoored, assured and worried, blessed and despondent … to see the rainbow and feel the dark clouds. All of our minds are split at once, together and it is a world trauma. We have endured community trauma here before with wildfires and it stitched us together deeply. Varying personal traumas also tie us together. With COVID-19, I’m blown away by how radical an invisible foe can be, especially when it drives 6 foot wedges between us. It is a trauma so uniquely oppressive, I find it hard to remain joyful, but then I do! I laugh and poke fun with my friends and family! It’s dizzying and paralyzing how efficiently we can cope, it makes me dumbstruck. I need to draw through it, and try and really see people, to remain grounded, to not get lost in media, to remember the earth and the people who fill it with love. - March 18, 2020